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Final module of the 2021 JFA Women's Leadership Programme held

28 October 2021

Final module of the 2021 JFA Women's Leadership Programme held

The final module of the JFA Women's Leadership Programme was held on Sunday 24 and Monday 25 October. In the final module, participants made presentations on their individual and group assignments, using the knowledge they had acquired in the previous lectures. After the third module took place in late August, each student had about two months to prepare for this final module.

On the first day, individual presentations were held with the theme, “Analysis of the current situation and plans to produce more female workers taking active roles in organisations,” as the participants presented detailed action plans that would help, “promote the participation and advancement of women within organisations,” “promote and develop women’s football,” and “players find second career.” Although there were many different issues based on their roles in their respective organisations, the participants all shared a common desire to “bring changes to their organisation,” “promote women's advancement,” and “promote women's football.”

On the second day, the participants were divided into four groups, each representing the prefectural football associations, club teams, and federations, to hold presentations on the theme, “Developing a concrete action plan for the success of the WE League, which will kick-off in September 2021.” From their respective standpoints, each group made presentations on “How to induce the development of not only the WE League, but women's football as a whole,” and “How to enhance the value of women's football and the WE League.” Although the communication between the groups were held online, it seemed that the participants were strengthening their bond through the group work.

In addition, the participants attended the “Women's Leadership Symposium” as their final lecture of the programme on Monday 25. After the symposium, the programme’s completion ceremony was held, and all 12 participants of the second term were awarded with a certificate and a commemorative ball. JFA President TASHIMA and WE League Chair OKAJIMA congratulated the participants on their completion of the four month programme and sent them off with words of encouragement and hope for the future.

Comments of the participants

Ms. KISHIDA Naomi (Hyogo Football Association)
“Is this really the right direction?” I have always suffered and regretted when making a decision. That is why I am so grateful to be a part of this programme that provided me with a ray of light and warm friends. There are still many issues to be addressed in the women's sports world in Japan, and among them, women's football has taken the lead in establishing a professional league, training female leaders, and reaching out to a wide range of generations through commemorative events. Nevertheless, I am convinced that this programme will become a valuable asset, as it allows us to make friends who we can share and discuss the issues surrounding women's football. I hope that this programme will continue for its third and fourth term, and that the second term participants can grow together with this programme. In order for everyone involved in the women’s football world to evolve and be radiant, I hope this programme will continue to be held.

Ms. KOMURO Mizuki (Nojima Stella Kanagawa Sagamihara)
Thank you very much for giving us this precious opportunity. In the final module, individual and group presentations were held, and we were able to gain a lot of insights from other participants. In addition, by presenting my thoughts through the assignment, it gave me an opportunity to think about my own organisation and helped me make up my mind to take action. We were greatly inspired and gained new perspectives through the symposium and the lectures we took during this “Women’s Leadership Programme.” I would also like to express my gratitude to all the participants I met during this programme, who supported me in and outside the programme. I will cherish these experiences and encounters at gained through this programme and continue to work hard to give back to my organisation and the football world.

Ms. KITAMOTO Ayako (Orca Kamogawa FC)
Although I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the lecturers, I was able to obtain new findings, get inspired, and gain courage to take the first step. The final module consisted of individual and group presentations based on what we had learned from the previous lectures and discussions. During the individual presentations, there were very unique presentations held on the topic, “Analyse the current situation and formulate a plan for your organisation.” In the group assignment, each student gave positive comments from a wide range of perspectives when discussing the theme, “How to develop and raise the value of women’s football.” At the same time, this programme became a platform for each of us to make a pledge to take action as our own issues. Together with my new friends, I would like to embrace the challenge and make forward progress one step at a time.

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